Find Satoshi Lab (FSL)

Anastasia Twitter Space【GAS HERO with Beka – BD of the game】

今後のゲーム「Gas Hero」に対する期待と準備に焦点を当てています。Bekaを含む参加者は、Web3とゲームに関する自身の経験を共有しました。Beccaは「City Pioneerプログラム」についての詳細を紹介し、人々に応募するよう勧めました。参加者はホワイトペーパーからの情報に基づいて、エネルギーシステム、報酬、クランやギルドシステムなど、ゲームメカニクスのさまざまな側面について推測しました。Bekaは内部開発についてあまり詳細な情報を提供できませんでしたが、ゲームはこれまでに素晴らしいものになっていると述べました。参加者はゲームのリリースに興奮し、Bekaとの定期的な交流がコミュニティにとってゲームを話し合う良い機会になると考えました。





BekaはHalf-Lifeから最近リリースされたStarfieldまで、多くのゲームをプレイしてきました。彼はLineage 2、World of Warcraft、Counter Strikeなどのゲームで強力なヒーローを育てる経験があります。

Gus Heroへの期待と興奮

BekaはGus Heroの社交要素に興奮しており、特にクラン、ギルド、および都市システムに期待しています。参加者はゲームメカニクスを学び、コミュニティを構築することが成功の鍵であると推測しました。

City Pioneerプログラム

City Pioneerプログラムはコミュニティメンバーがゲームについて学ぶのを支援することを目的としています。Bekaは特に、現在のパイオニアがあまりいない場所からの応募を奨励しました(例:米国とヨーロッパ)。このプログラムはFSLチームと協力する機会を提供します。




参加者は、Gas Heroについて議論し、ゲームの詳細を推測し、ゲームのリリースを待ちながらコミュニティを結びつけるために、Bekaとの定期的なコミュニティスペースを持つことに興味を示しました。


Gas Heroチームと密接に連携し、コミュニティを構築し、ゲームに関する情報を広めるためにCity Pioneerになるために応募してください。このプログラムは、特に現在のパイオニアがあまりいない地域の個人に開かれています。

Gas Heroのホワイトペーパーを熟読して、ゲームメカニクスを理解し、今後のクイズやイベントに参加してください。


Gas Heroに関する詳細情報をお待ちください。そして、Beccaとの将来のコミュニティスペースに参加してください。


guys hola hola just a second time hello hello Becca hello guys I’m on leave don’t patrol me see if you guys see many familiar faces yeah hello hello yeah yeah I see uh naifs also yeah yeah thanks so much for joining hello hola hola how are you?

hola hola, I’m good yeah I’m good, how are you Anastasia? fine fine just prepared for my trip for colombia so on Thursday finally I can say hola hola like every day you’re going to Medellin I miss Medellin yeah about Becca already is John?

Becca how are you today? yeah nice yes like business day yeah hi Becca yeah guys so today yeah we are going to have a space with Becca he’s now a BD of us here and like we really want to congratulate you one more time with this big promotion you know you are a good example for the role of the community I think how it’s possible to grow inside the ecosystem so we are really proud to have you like in the team thank you so much for your support for your enthusiasm for your engagement so let’s make big deals together thank you Anastasia this means a lot and you guys were the uh fundament for for me to rise the ambassador team is so great I think our users already know that that we have built something which is the one of the best examples of what community can achieve and how to grow inside the community and how to how to you community around some project or something you love.

So yeah, thank you everyone. You’ll be a team member. Yeah, so we all like like a big family or even more than a team. Yes, sure, Mika. You know that our community, I always tell them that the best of the best.

And you know, even country we have visited, even Japan or states in Europe, it’s really our community, the top. I can tell it, yes. I’m so happy and thank you for your time. We know that you’re busy and a lot on our processing, but still you have time to communicate with our community.

And it’s great. Always. So I’m coming from the community. So this is the most important part of my life right now. So thank you for meeting me so warmly here. It’s our pleasure. Okay, Anastasia. So guys, let’s get started.

Yeah, as you know, I always love to get to know Anastasia. I could not hear. Anastasia? Really? Yeah, I’m here. Yeah, do hear me now. I could not hear. I don’t know. Could I check it? Guys, could you give me a sign if you hear me well?

Yes, yes, I hear you well. Oh, okay. Okay, yeah, I see it’s okay. Yeah, I do hope it’s okay. But I could not hear. Let me check. But I see the sign that it’s okay. Naive, maybe you can reconnect. I don’t know what is happening.

Yeah, I think so. Hello, hello. Gatsmo, everyone. Hello, my man. Hello. Thank you so much for joining us. How are you? I’m good. Gatsmo. Gatsmo, Stefan, you’re up. Back up. Hello, hello. You need to learn this.

You are now video of Gatsmo. Gats prices will fall. No, in this court, Mabel said this, one of our Japanese city pioneer, he invented this term. Good morning in Gats Hero is Gatsmo. So Gatsmo, everyone.

Gatsmo. It’s good. Hello, Amad. Nice to hear you. Hi, Naive. Yeah, Amad is our ambassador from India. So guys, if you don’t know, yeah, like amazing human as well. You know, Amad is really an honor for us like to have your board as well.

Okay, guys, so you know that I really love to get to know a little bit more like about people and about like what is behind the avatar. So let’s get started from like some background, like what background do you have, like what’s what leads you to web3, what games maybe did you play and what is the main difference like of Gus Hero from them.

So can you share with us a little bit please? Yeah, sure. So my background is to be honest, I’m going from the business. So I I studied in the math school, math and physics, then graduated from the business school, BBA.

And then I started the, started the advertising company in Georgia. It’s a now it’s a one of the biggest because printing and the marketing consulting company here. And my meeting with the web 3 starts about in 2017, when I realized that with your gaming PC it’s possible to mine some Ethereum.

And as a gamer I had a good gaming PC and I started researching and I built my first rig and mined some Ethereum. Its price was something like 70 USD at times. I was mining about 20 Ethereum in a week or so with my gaming rig.

And starting more in West research on the web 3 side. And I found out that this is the world where we are freedom, privacy, community. And it’s a best way, best world than the reality we are living. The possibilities are, I don’t know, the sky is the limit.

So it was a love with the first sight, or how to say it in English. So that’s how I entered the web 3 world to be honest. Yeah, that’s really interesting to hear. And as we all came from different backgrounds, but we are in the same place.

So it’s so amazing to have different experiences and people and countries in our community. Did you play any games, like, I don’t know, maybe some world of heroes or something like that? Everything. Everything started from the half -life.

ending with the Starfield which is just released. I have played almost many games in my life. So to be honest, I was less familiar with the mobile games. I played only Battlegrounds. This is the first game which was released.

It was called Battlefield. How it was called. So anyway, but strategy games was my love. If you are familiar with the Kozaks, I was playing the Kozaks in the school. So we had really good strategies.

We had one player who was beating about seven. seven players, so we were playing six to one to him and then was trying to learn better strategies to beat him. So yeah, so there was a first person shooter, open game, so lots of things I played a lot to be honest.

So it seems we have really strong a hero now, right? With the hero experience in the past. No, I used to have very strong heroes which was costing around what now the price of our genesis is because in the lineage too, for example, in the World of Warcraft, in the Counter Strike.

So yeah, the heroes are not the new one, what Cas Hero is bringing. It was almost for decades and gamers were building them with now and with the passion. So yeah, I have experience with build some. So, Becca, you have so like deep experience in gaming.

What are your expectations from Cas Hero? What is like the main difference for you? Maybe something you are most excited of, so can you share like it’s so interesting to hear? So the first of all team which is building the game, this is the best promise ever because we know what products FSL has built.

So this is one big thumbs up for the game because this step is a good example how game could have a good economy and the idea behind and the gamify elements to keep the game. engaging its users for for two years already.

Yeah. So this is something that that wasn’t done yet. I don’t remember any any games with this with this background, to be honest. And the second one is its social side. So the most I love the gas hero is that there will be a huge part that includes the social elements like clans like guilds like districts like cities.

So this is the one of the funniest part for me to be honest. Yeah, we’re all expecting like an like all this building of clans, guilds, you know, and we know that like we have already Japanese community who built the guild, who are building, right?

Who are building, yeah. By the way, what do you think about, like, about is it possible to win them? So, it depends. It depends how we form the clans and we form the communities with the game itself.

Not you and clans, but I hear that some of the communities are building their districts already, which consist with the guilds. So, the competition will be really tough. And I suggest, I suggest, start thinking about the clans mates, about the politics, about this strategy to how to create, not you and clans, but how to create whole cities in the gas hero.

So, there will be a fun times ahead. Yeah, yeah, it definitely will. And you know, like a lot of people from community now are interested what will be the rewards as we will have adventures, right? And the adventures like for solo adventures, like when you’re on your own for clans and guilds.

But do you have any idea, like what rewards like the heroes will get when they win, for example? So, there will be many, many rewards from the starting the game, game assets, upgrade materials, experience points, etc, etc.

This is also listed in the white paper. Which is the fourth part of the out and it’s a little complicated and I suggest to read the white paper and read the information between the lines as well. There is lots of things happening.

But I think you found the part where adventures will be available for the clans only, and how there will be some events that will be available only for guilds and only maybe on the bigger level as well.

So what I’m trying to tell is that this is a social game. So lots of things are not known yet, and I don’t want to share some info that to be honest, I also don’t have. It’s just maybe your vision, you know?

We are not talking about direct things. Exactly. So my vision for the game is this social part. So to hell. the team members to help each other and to build the connections between the communities. I think that’s the most fun and that will create the competitive ground and that will create a big demand for the game assets or everything between.

So I think with the start of the game everyone should work about building communities around the gas hero. So that’s the whole idea of the game to be honest. Yeah, maybe you have any tips or recommendations for people who have already started building their communities now.

I don’t know that a lot of enthusiasts now are so excited about gas hero and really want to make not even clan but guilds and build cities. So maybe some recommendations from you. What can they do to succeed?

As they are now like the first pioneers, the first people who are eager to try, who are eager to do that, to push it. Yeah, so maybe you can advise something for them. Okay, so when I told you about the Kozaks, I was playing.

So behind the game we had the pen and the paper and we were drawing our strategies to how to defeat our enemy, our friend who was really good strategist in the game. So I think that kind of approach will help with the gas hero as well.

So the white paper parts are dropping in the parts. There’s also the huge marketing event and you don’t know what will be the next. So I suggest to consolidate community around some aspects. To learn, for example, some of the clan mates or friends can only think about the hero part.

There’s lots of heroes we know with different skills and different roles in the game. So I think to break the white paper in a few parts, have a good team member which will be really good in communicating with the other clans or maybe other guilds, to help someone who will the white paper guru for the hero side and know everything about the heroes and battles, know someone who will be really good in crafting and getting resources.

diversifying through the clan I think is the best way to communicate. For example, if we take other games like the world of warcraft or if we online. So there are members in your clan who is really good in trading and there are the guys who are really good in fighting and these kind of clans are most successful in every game.

So for example, when I was playing early dates in the lineage 2 I was a buffer. So my role was to help teammates with healing with magic and they were the ones who were dealing with the enemies and we had the tank for example who was really good with defeating bosses, boss fights.

And we know that we will have the boss fights in the gas heroes. So I think the most part right now before game releases is to find the friends or clan mates and to think which role is best for each player and the clan leader.

I think that’s a work of a good clan leader and I think these kinds of clans and these kinds of guilds will succeed in this game. Yeah, absolutely. I go along with you with like every world and by the way just an idea born in my mind like maybe like other any exercises you know is like when people are building like the guilds, like communities but they can’t play right now.

So we do expect it is the end of the year. So maybe they can train somehow like to be better prepared to do any stuff. How do you think? To be honest, that’s also a great place to start. So there is no game, so no one has the competitive advantage.

We can, so the social and economy elements of this kind of games we already seen, there are many games like this, what I said for example, Iwi Online, or maybe Clash of Clans, which is the most of the popular game, or was the popular game.

I think the gamers who are not familiar with this type of games should find some similar and find out how economics in these games work, what roles are available in these games and how people are doing that roles in this game.

So to be honest, some aspects of the games are easy to copy. For example, same for this taping. We know that there was players who were only minting the sneakers and they had one of the best strategies for minting and placing them on the market.

So we see that the minting and breeding will be the huge part of the casino. So there are lots of things right now to jump in and search and think how you will start your strategy. So maybe your strategy will be to get hero on the maximum level as fast as possible or maybe your strategy will be to get as much heroes as possible for the starting point.

But it’s up to you. It’s something that you should test. And maybe if you have a guild and have a clans together, maybe one clan will try the one strategy and second one, second and so on and so on. But we have the really good, how to say, Beggar, we have a really good white paper.

And for the steppaners, it’s really good understanding how the basic mechanics will work. Okay, so most of the things we are familiar, but there will be other aspects like the social part, which is a new and no one will be familiar with it.

No one has the competitive advantage right now and that’s the finest part. So we’re going to be number one. Yeah, we’ll be number one and also I think this kind of game is not released yet. So this game is, no one will have the real competitive advantage.

So learning and getting the right rules will be the success for the clan or for the members. So yeah, we should learn the game together. Yeah, we will do, we will do for sure and we are so excited, you know.

And I think like this year is so like I’m waiting for the new year approaching like December. It’s like three months more but I think it’s good time to be prepared. Yeah, you’re absolutely right. So it’s necessary to be prepared to create our like clan skills.

to maybe develop some strategy and to try short before. So it’s really good tip, like maybe to try some similar games or something else like to be better prepared. And Becca, you studied comparing a gas hero with Steppen and we do expect that the first users here will have a lot of heroes from Steppen community and a lot of people compare, yes, the mechanics and basics with gas hero.

And one of the questions that I get, like before the space is about energies, you know, as in Steppen, our walks is limited to the amount of energy we have, right? And like, and we all know that one energy is five minutes, for example, we see that in gas heroes, there are also energies like from one to five with the 30 cap of maximum, but how they will count, is there any time limitations or it depends on the adventure?

So do you have any ideas like on this point? So the white paper is changing a lot. So for now is the, what I have the information is on me from the white paper. So the energies, energies depend on the, if I’m not mistaken on the hero levels and hero variety.

So I think before we don’t have the whole white paper out, we can’t really say how the energy system will work in the end, but I think for the new players, it will be also easy to master these things.

So it’s not the something where, for example, the steppers will have some competitive advantage. I think it’s something that’s learnable in a few moments. Yeah, yeah. It’s like, you know, I do understand as I’m the same as to be all want to know all the details, to understand how does it work, so to realize some like maybe things that are not so clear now.

So, but maybe we can just discuss, like suggest what it could be, right? So if you don’t know the information there, we will check whether we will write or not. So let’s see it. Yeah. And by the way, yeah, I have also a question like, if you have some idea, yeah, will people who have several of these hero pages get any advantage in the game?

Oh, that’s a trickiest part. I don’t know anything about what badge holders will get. And it’s a, I’m honest with it. So believe me, even I don’t know about it. But what we saw, how valuable the badge is, how hard it was to get me as you all are expecting that there will be something good surprise behind it.

But believe me, I don’t know what this badge stands for. Yeah, yeah, I really trust you. I just want like, you know, maybe, maybe you have some suggestion and you could share it now, like a lot of communities discuss this hero, white paper, a lot of suggestions are coming to like different opinions.

Yeah, so just if not, okay, let’s wait, let’s wait for the next like updates and let’s see. Yeah, for sure. For sure. Guys, Aman, oh, we have also Sue joining us here. So hello, I can switch you to speak as well.

And Clavier from Brazil. Yeah, nice. Yeah, so guys, if you have any questions, I have several questions from community members, but I’d like to leave them like to the end. So, hi, because how will be the region will play game in like in the game, like, if I’m from India, and I’m building my clan in some Indian city.

So can I join any clan of like in Japanese city or not? So to be honest, the game will game will start. Let me let me check please. Not not all cities will be available from the start. point. So I think there will be no problem to join another clan or another dispute.

It won’t be binded to the geographical location of where the players are. Oh so it will not be bounded to geographical location. So like if my city is not listed in the cities, I can join any another clan or a group of my friends who are in another city.

So my city is not listed yet and I think we will have some small surprise coming ahead. So stay tuned about the cities. It’s not done yet. Yeah and we have talked about it. I was getting many queries regarding the city pioneer program.

So like it’s, it’s, you have the stage. You can tell the users about the program, like what are your expectations from them, uh, from a city pioneer and like how they can be benefited from the game and, uh, how game can be benefited from them.

Oh, thank you very much for that question. It’s, it’s really important. Uh, right now. So, um, we have a really good, uh, program, uh, what we call the city pioneer and we have really good, uh, pioneers already, uh, who are, uh, who are, um, uh, who give who share information about the casino to their communities.

Uh, the whole idea of city pioneer program is to, uh, to, um, uh, the white paper is really complicated for the gas hero. So as I, as I told the, the only competitive advantage in this game will be knowledge.

So the whole idea behind the city pioneer program is to learn the game, uh, and bring this learning to your community. Uh, right. And everyone, it’s not a, it’s a, not a similar to ambassador program.

Uh, so small communities also can apply. And what we, what we’re looking for is a quality of the, uh, of the creator, the community side, how this person is helpful for the community. So, so, uh, it’s, it’s, uh, it’s really crucial to get the good city pioneers, uh, and many city pioneers and many, uh, many local pioneers who will spread the word, uh, about the gas hero and about the white paper.

and help their community to learn on board the game in the right way. Learn about strategy, create stronger communities where the stronger clans can form. And I think the CTPuners could be the ones who can help others to form the kills and maybe cities in the future.

So the CTPuner program is the unique one what Gas Hero has created. It’s open for everyone. So if you think that you are a good fit and you can spread the word about the Gas Hero, please apply. So you should write to us.

You can DM me or write at helo .gashero .com. Express yourself, express your strategy, what you want to do. show us what you have done, give us more information, what communities you have, what communities you manage.

And the funniest part is this is a really good thing to start to be closer to the FSL team, which is one of the best in the Web3 space. Agree, agree, exactly. By the way, do you have any preferences like for the areas or regions, so you are looking for as he or pioneers or anyone?

So, yeah, so if we see the discord, the Chinese and the Japan community is the one of the biggest. So I want more people from Europe and from the USA, I think. Currently, we are looking for the pioneers from Germany, maybe, will be good, Turkey, any small countries are welcome.

For example, we just onboarded the city pioneer from Iran, really nice guy. I don’t know if he’s listening right now. So the Europe will be really nice, but we don’t have any limitation. We just want, as this, Cashearo is a global game with lots of cities inside and lots of fun, and we hope to have the millions of players, maybe tens of millions, I just know.

So to help the city pioneers from every part of the world will be really nice. So, yeah, everyone could apply and better. from the regions where we have no CTP owners right now. So guys, if you feel any potential, just don’t waste the time and back out today or tomorrow.

I think a lot of people really want to become a pioneer, so don’t lose your chance. It’s a great chance now, really. Yeah, we are the example. So I started with the Stepping Ambassador program and you can do, if you are doing everything right, if you are passionate about, if you have a passion in a work you are doing, the sky is the limit.

And this is the best opportunity to be closer to the team. When I joined this Ambassador program, Becca was an Associate Ambassador. then he jumped to content and community, then global, and finally, video of Gasio.

Amazing journey, bro. Thanks, Aman. I just, I was, I was a global at a very short time. I don’t know if the community knows about it. Insert a bio about it. Global ambassador. Yeah. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Yeah, it’s amazing journey. It’s a great example for all of us back in like a with some job and like we do believe that it’s not your like last position. So you will get it for sure. It’s for sure.

And we have a question from me if I see like raise up. Yeah. Thank you very much for sharing information and about I won’t talk a little bit about Gasio game. And you know, okay, from my perspective, I am guys who really gamer and you know, I’m can play games like six hour, eight hour, 10 hour, and it’s huge problem for me because all time my family, I have three kids.

They are all time very noisy about that. And I have question. Can you give some maybe a little explanation about how many time we can spend on the gas car because you know, for step and now I am running like two hours in the morning, working two hours in the evening.

How about gas here? So I think I think you answered the question. Yes. For example, there are games which we can play all along the weekend. But step in shouldn’t be one of them. Am I right? So what’s the idea behind?

behind the step and you have some energies and you go and just spend this energy and the maximum is about one and a half hour or something yeah but I know you guys are refreshing the marketplace all day long and you are reading the white paper and you are spending your time on the Twitter and spending your time on the discord in the stepping community so so it’s not about the gameplay actually yeah so there are games for example the call of duty what I play on a weekly basis few hours for example I won’t play more but I don’t have the time but that’s it you just play and finish but the step and for example is what we what we The morning was starting with Steppen checking the updates and upgrades of the shoes and pride market, checking market for the prices, the calculating when you are minting things.

So I think the gas hero will be 10 times bigger than Steppen in this way. So I don’t know how you manage, but the fun, fun part is that it will need some time and learning. But maybe it won’t be the actual gameplay time.

Maybe it will be behind the gameplay time. So I don’t know. I don’t know. But it will take our time. Okay, okay. I understand. You know that it’s mean that now I should also suggest to my wife to join gas hero.

I’m pretty sure now. Because you know, I played the game like Heroes of March Magix and also my wife, she thought what are you playing at that? And then we have only one computer at that time. And you know, after our university, we run into home and who will be first to start to play, he played.

I hope it’s the gas hero if you’ll be the same with my wife. It’s great. It’s about one more fun part. So when I went, me and my wife moved, it was about 15 years ago or something. We decided to have two gaming PC in the house.

So we fixed with that problem because we both were playing the lineage too. And it was the really fun time. So, yeah, the, the, the whole wife or boyfriend or girlfriend playing this game, I think is it is a really big fun.

My wife was also playing. the step in and she was the brain behind my minting strategy, my selling strategy, my walking strategy. So she was the brain. I was mostly on the community and had the other part.

So with the Gus Hero and with its social parts, I think it will be even more fun. Wow, it’s great. You know that my wife also she joined with Stepan and you know it’s cool because when we are working, she’s not running, but when we are working and we also open some even new street, you know, and we talk and it’s great.

It’s great. It’s really great and I hope that Gus Hero will be also make my with my wife more closer and she understands my gamer’s mind. It’s great. In my family, the most happy person with this stepping was my dog, because it gets much more time to walking outside.

I don’t know how it will be with the gas hero, but I think we can play gas hero during our stepping times, no? Yeah, yeah, yeah, sure, sure, sure. And you know, I have two dogs, and now these are my two dogs, they don’t want to go outside with me before they wait.

But now, when I have a lot of energy, they don’t want to spend this energy. Oh my God. What boots are they? I have bigle and it has a huge energy. So I can’t, I even, he went two hours, not enough for him.

For it, so. It’s great. It’s great. You should upgrade your dogs. I’m pretty sure, or to teach them to gas hero players. Okay, anyway, and I have one more question about, as I can see, as you know, that last two months ago, we visited the back spa.

And Japan, and we are in the is stepping boots and more boots. And it was amazing really, and we met Japanese community. Really huge and it’s very friendly and really is a very open mind. And also, in this time, I am met with Anastasia.

We met players who now they already established one. And I think that maybe she also retweet some tweets about them. And it’s great. And when I read about these guys and when I talk about them, I think that they are really great.

with them as I can see that everyone is very unique and everyone has some knowledge. For example, as I can see some guys like analytics, maybe here studying and researching about polygon, I don’t know, and some about strategic guy.

And what do you think, or maybe this idea, when you establish this clan, as I can see it’s not only about how many you invest, it’s about also your brain, about your some skills, about some unics. Yes, as I understand, I’m right.

So your overview of the Japanese event is right. So Japanese people beat me in every game where I meet them. They are really strong gamers in every game. And I think that’s because they have really good community building skills, researching skills.

And they know what they are doing in every game. So there are some games, for example, I don’t know if you heard about it. It’s called the Star Citizen. This is a space simulation game. It’s a really big or even the Iwi online.

The games where you need the strategy and where you need how to say all your teammates play, their roles in the best possible ways. I don’t know anyone better than the Japanese players. Yeah, so the first idea is to get someone from Japan in your clan.

I don’t know, but I’m kidding. But OK, I can speak Japanese language. If you need me, you can DM me. No, I’m kidding. But yeah, so there is nothing unique, but they have experience with the games. So sure, experienced gamers have some kind of competitive advantage in the gaming world.

But there is lots of things you can learn. Yes, and you can try and you can beat and find the better clan or find a better clan members. I see the future of Gus Hero not hunting for the assets, but hunting for the players.

So I’m sure there will be guilds with who has the best strategy. some kind of HRs inside who were searching for good players to join their builds and join their cities. I know that because that things happen very often in these kind of games with a huge community, a huge user base.

So yeah, what I said, find gamers, try to have as much experience gamers as possible in your clan. New players like their wives or I don’t know, friends or friends of friends, try to educate them, teach them game mechanics, teach them economics and politics behind the games.

So what is the game? Game is the funny spent time, yes? So you should enjoy it and you should enjoy the process. So I think everyone will enjoy, but there will be some good players and there will be some not good players, that’s it.

So, and we see that Japan wants to lead the competition and that’s great. That’s motivates us to create a class. As soon as I saw that retweet from the Mabel, I wrote in Georgian community that, guys, you should act fast.

There are countries with the clans already. And a few days ago was the, we released one part of the white paper and they think about the, about to build the guild. So, yeah, I think we should take this as a, how to say.

As motivation maybe for us. Yes, exactly. As an example. So there will be more clans and more guilds coming, coming on. And I think everyone who is interested in gas hero should think about this right now, maybe tomorrow.

Yeah, also they, by the way, I have a question regarding, do you have any idea, for example, one hero is, when one hero is moving from, for example, one clan or guild to another one, does he need to speak the language?

So will it be divided by languages or English is like the most common language that will be used by guilds? So for example, if someone from Latin America would like to join, for example, Japanese guys.

So most probably because of the language barrier, it won’t be possible. So, I don’t think there will be any restrictions about the language or some. I think the player skills is the more important part than the language.

What I saw, the messaging part of the game is something we use to every day during our DMs and during the messaging and so on. We don’t have much information about how the clans will work, how will kills work, how cities work, how we move around in the gas hero.

We should wait for it, but I don’t think there will be any problem or any divided things between the languages. We need to wait and to keep patience. We really want to know everything. before. Thank you.

Thank you so much. But can we have a question from Elena? Elena, hello. You’re here. Yay! Hello everyone. Hello, Becca. What a nice group of people gathered here today on the sixth base. All friendly faces and people I really love.

Thanks a lot for the opportunity to ask me my questions because I really have a couple of them. So first of all, I wanted also to ask a similar question, I guess. Is it right that we will have to, from the beginning of the game, we will have to choose our city?

Like, why am I asking that? Because, for example, me and Aman are very good friends and we planned to have our clan together. But now, as I see it, I think like probably other of my friends will prefer to live like in Moscow and he will live like in Delhi, probably, because he’s from India and he should choose another city.

So our clans would be in different cities. Is that right? And what city would you choose for yourself? And my second question, if I can ask both at the same time. So the second question is, I know that at least one person here on this X space or Twitter space is already playing the first version of the game.

And I wonder if you’re also already trying the game and playing it. And if so, could you share without at least your experience? How do you like it? Elena, welcome to the city pioneer program. Thank you, thank you so much.

I appreciate it so much. It was pleasure for me and it is pleasure for me to work with you with the gas hero. you So first of all, sure I want to join my city, but before we don’t have information, what is the city actually in the game?

I don’t know what city I will choose, okay? So I am a gamer and I’m not the guy that, for example, if I see the better opportunity somewhere else, may I change my mind? So I can’t answer with this question before we will have more information about the city.

And this is also the answer for your next question. We have to wait for the upcoming white paper to see how the game will be. clan mechanics and how the guild mechanics will work, how user mechanics will work, because many things are changing.

For example, I don’t know if you have seen, but each city will start with the two districts for now. Maybe not all cities will be available for in the season war or about this part. So let’s wait together, investigate.

I think this amount of cities in the game are not because we want to join the cities we live in. So I think there will be, the Johnny is one of the greatest minds in the gaming space, especially with the games, much strategy in it.

So to be honest, I don’t know that there will be some districts behind the amount of the cities and there will be some aspects where people will choose not their geographical city in some way. So I think that’s the more fun to have in the game.

Another question, I can share that I saw the game, actually the fighting inside game. I haven’t played yet because it’s behind the servers and there is a many security measurements behind it. The game looks great, the world looks great, the city looks great, the city screenshots.

To be honest, I saw what you also saw, the screenshots, but with the small movements on it. So it’s really fun. It looks great. The heroes, the petals below, looks great. And the world looks great. And you see how good the design work is behind the game.

Yes, the heroes you see on the main page looks so dope that I don’t know. So the UI, UIX, and the design stuff behind the game is amazing. That’s what I can share right now. I hope to play a better version somewhere in the upcoming months.

But I don’t know. If anyone was playing it in London, maybe he can join us. Tell us a few. few more things. I know that now Gilgamesh is with us and I know that she had an access to the game and that that’s very interesting to learn a little bit more just like about the experience at least.

Great, can you share a few of your experience? Gil, can you tell us please? Can someone kick Elena? Maybe next time guys. Guys, if you have any questions, we have like five, six minutes more so I know that Don Patron should have just raise a hand and tell me switch you to speak and while we are waiting we have several questions also from the comments regarding for example GMT how do you think will the game will empower the GMT ecosystem like and how it will work?

So right now what we know it’s already already in the white paper we know that some upgrades and breeding will include GMT. Any use case of the GMT is helping the ecosystem so also I want to know we should wait for the final version of the white paper there will be a lot more use cases I’m sure.

Yeah exactly as I’m reading just chatting but it’s so many like more technical questions that I’m afraid we can’t answer now for example like will be automatic translation chat like how the assets will be divided so I’m not sure whether we can talk about that today to be honest.

That’s the part which is the out of the game and also there are lots of things we don’t know yet. So I suggest to concentrate about the building communities around the game. We have some ideas what will be happening in the game.

There will be battles, there will be adventures, there will be energy use cases, there will be a hero upgrading, hero building, and there will be some chances to get the better hero, better weapon or better pet with the upgrades and get the materials for the upgrades, get the, I don’t know, get the hero capsules with the different events and activities.

The fun part is that the hero capsules can drop the Genesis heroes and on the start of the game, this chance will be much bigger than later in the games because the hero… Genesis heroes, the quantity is not much, we know.

So, I think to concentrate on the information we currently have, and learn some ideas and learn some mechanics, and let’s see what future holds. We have lots of information coming in next few months.

Yeah, we are really waiting, we are so waiting. Thank you so much, Baik, and we have, I think, the last question. It’s our last time, it was finished from Don Patron, so please, hello, nice to hear you.

Hello, guys. Hello, hola, hola. Anastasia, big thanks for space, it’s very interesting. Bekka, I have two questions for you. True. Depending on the base, what was clear distribution role, support tank, the main jibber, how will we reward distributors for tanks and supports?

Thank you. Great questions to be honest, and I’m also interested how this will happen in the future. I don’t have much information which is outside of the White Paper right now, but as I know and as I feel, the clan leaders will have a really big role in the game, and also the guild leaders, or also maybe the city mayors.

in the future. So we don’t know exactly but I think there will be some fun things with this stuff. But Johnny is the guy who is crafting the white paper day by day 24 hours. So believe me, I don’t know nothing beside the white paper right now.

Believe me about it. I’m also speculating. But I think this is the right question to be asked because there should be clan leaders and maybe they will have some more power. But I don’t know. This is all speculation right now.

Thank you, Bekka. Good luck. Thank you. Thank you, Dan. Thank you. Thank you so much, Ian. We have Gil Gamerz joining us as the speaker, so maybe you can share with us a little bit. Elena already told you about playing the game.

Hello. Hello. Sorry, that was a late request. I was requesting it a while ago when Elena was talking, so forget it, but I’m not even allowed to talk about how the game looks, so I’m just going to shut up.

Sorry. Just tell us the experience, your experience, how you like it. Just how you like it. What is exciting? I can’t. I’m sorry. Okay, Elena, let’s wait. Let’s turn off the recording and ask again. Great idea.

Yeah. To be honest, the thing is in the white paper, this is a draft and the game right now looks the same. I don’t know what Grace has seen. I hope she’s seen much more, but what I saw is the same screenshot we have in the game and we have in the white paper right now.

But the art, the high definition art of the heroes, what we see on the web page, and the same is happening with the city, so it’s really nice to see. And I hope in some point before the beta we will have more screens out.

You know, it’s our high curiosity to find out at least something, but yeah, guys, let’s take patience. with weights and I’m pretty sure that we will get it. Can I make a last try? Can I make a last try with my question?

Alina, I think it’s better to… I just… you know, I didn’t want to ask for details. I just wanted to ask in general if she liked the game and just in general if it is exciting and why. I don’t mean to tell the details, just why is it exciting, that’s all.

Not like what is inside it. To be honest, Ilena, I think the white paper is the more exciting right now than the draft of the game. To be honest, yeah. There is a much more in white paper than we have seen in the game, so…

Yeah, I think it’s high time we should read the white paper because quizzes are live in discord, casino discord. It will be on trial for a few weeks and from October it will start officially and the prices are huge.

As we all know that there are only 2084 Genesis, I guess. Is it right? Right. 2084. Is it in white paper? Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s in white paper. Then yes, then yes. So, 2084 Genesis Gas Heroes and the monthly quiz winner will be five persons who will get five Genesis Gas Heroes.

So, the prices are huge and you will require some level to participate in the quiz. So, do join the score and read the white paper. Yeah, perfect. Gas Genesis Heroes will be one of the most available game assets, I think, because we know they want a special part.

They are not dying. So, yeah, that’s… Yeah, guys, thank you so much for your time, Becca. Thank you so much for talking to us, for sharing. If you don’t mind, I would love to get the spaces on a regular basis, maybe once per week, once per two weeks.

If you don’t mind, as I see there are a lot of questions, you know, and if we even don’t have the exact information yet, but we can just discuss. We can speculate. Yeah, we can speculate and then, you know, it would be really funny to get, yeah, I told that, it would be like in this way, you know.

So, I think it would be really beneficial for all the community, for all of us to have these spaces with you and thank you so much for being so open and open. sharing with us. Like everything you know or like we can hear from you.

I mean everything that we can hear. Yeah, so it’s really like a great opportunity to talk to you who is inside, who is developing the game, who are all in this like business process. So thank you so much for that and thank you guys so much for joining this space.

Just give me any sign if you really want this space to be like on regular basis. That’s a great idea and I hope the next time some clan leaders will join this space. I will work on that. Yeah, I will work on that.

Yeah, so guys thank you so much once again. I see that Yana just joined us. Thank you so much. Maybe if you have like one minute to say hello and that’s it. That’s it. We’re almost done. Hey, hey everyone, thank you.

Hi Tatiana. Hello. Hi, hi. I’m walking on my step and now after I’m training, sorry that I can join you in the beginning and I can’t hear what about you talk, but I’m really happy that you create this space because it’s really important for us and for our users and for future Gas Hero because you know, I really want to, I really wait this day when we can upload this game on our phones and I really wish you a big, big high for this and I wait, wait and be kind because I think it will be amazing day for all community and all users who wait these games because really now we have a lot of information and all people read this information through the white paper, through the other users, through the ambassadors and this really, really amazing things and I hope it will be really great game.

Tatiana, thank you so much. Thanks Tatiana and yes, you are right that all the community events, for example the Genesis Hero creation is to learn game better. So, I’m sure you learned a lot from participating in the Hero creation process.

You learned about the skills, you learned about the gender, you learned about the backstory, you learned about the whole Gas Hero story because you had to build your own story for your Hero. So, participate.

as many awareness as possible because they are created not just to enjoy, not to just excite you, but to help you to learn the game. So yeah, that’s my advice. Yes, yes, I think it’s really great that you team step by step give opportunity for all users learn this game and we all prepare for the beginning for this day when we can upload on our phone because it’s really important and because what I see now is a huge game and we have to learn each point in this game and it’s great when we can learn step by step for example like white paper.

one part, second part, and now for our first part, it’s really great. And we can learn each part and all moment in this part better than if we learn it’s in like one day and all games. And what I would say, it’s really great.

Tota, we’re here with you. Tatiana, yes, thank you so much for your feedback and thoughts. Really great to have you on space and you’re so active member of 7Community and Ambassador team, really, thank you so much.

And guys, I just want to remind you, if you wanted to apply to a gas hero pioneer program, just send your request to helloedgashero .com or Richard Becker, like, examine gas hero, our white paper to take part in quizzes and to be eligible to many prizes.

Yeah, and just like stay tuned, as I do hope we will host the spaces on a regular basis. So, yeah, thank you so much for coming for your questions, for a lot of questions. Yeah, so let’s move forward and see what awaits us in the future.

Becker, again, thank you so much. Really thank you for your support. Have a great day. Have a great day. Thank you so much. Thank you.


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